Coming from Jupyter

If you’re coming from Jupyter, here are a few tips to help you adapt to marimo notebooks.

Runtime configuration

You can configure marimo’s runtime to not autorun on startup or on cell execution.

Even when autorun is disabled, your notebook remains a directed graph, with marimo eliminating hidden state for you and marking cells as stale.

HTML snapshots

marimo stores notebooks as Python, not JSON. This lets you version notebooks with git, execute them as scripts, and import named cells into other Python files. However, it does mean that your notebook outputs (e.g., plots) are not stored in the file.

If you’d like to keep a visual record of your notebook work, enable the “Auto-download as HTML” setting, which will periodically snapshot your notebook as HTML to a __marimo__ folder in the notebook directory.

Interactive guide

This guide contains additional tips to help you adapt to marimo. Fun fact: the guide is itself a marimo notebook!